If you’re a homeowner, it might be tempting sometimes to kick your feet up, grab a cold beverage and not worry about home maintenance. After all, when things are working as they should, it’s easy to just take it for granted. Doing this is a big mistake, however. And a little TLC devoted to monthly maintenance on your home could end up saving you a lot of money. Who doesn’t want that? Don’t let apathy — or simply being busy — stand in the way of doing something that could save you piles of cash … and even your life. Following are three things every homeowner should do each month in true DIY-style.

Test smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers

Raise your hand if you want to live? Yeah, that’s what we thought. And we’re right there with you. One of the best ways to accomplish this is monthly checkups on your smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers. Ensuring that each of these is working properly doesn’t take a whole lot of time or effort. About all that’s required is a little planning and self-discipline. For guidance on how to test smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors, click here. Check out this short video on how to inspect your fire extinguisher.

Clean the garbage disposal

This one sounds like “loads” of fun, right? Well, it’s actually not as painful as you might think. You can give your garbage disposal a thorough enough cleaning each month by simply grinding a few ice cubes and then flushing them down the drain with hot water and baking soda. Or you can try baking soda first, followed by ice, if the baking soda alone doesn’t do the trick. More on this method in the video below. 

Inspect and unclog drains

It doesn’t really get any easier than this one. Go to your local retailer — Walmart, Target or Dollar General being the cheapest, perhaps — and purchase a bottle of Drano or Liquid Plummer Gel. Then pour it down your shower and sink drains in small portions, flush with hot water, and repeat at least three times. Just be sure to wait about 15 minutes between pouring and flushing. Doing this each month will stop most clogs before they even become a thing. And, as a result, you’ll never have to deal with standing water in your tub or sink.

Final Thoughts

Whether or not you jump on the monthly home maintenance train, it’s never a bad time to consider a home purchase or refinance. With home mortgage rates still low, now is a great time to go hunting for a house that will quickly start to feel like a home. Contact Fairway of the Carolinas today for all your homebuying questions and needs.