The lender that actually gets you to the closing table

Or your money back*

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The FAIR Way

Helping people do better in life

  • Committed to serve
  • Speed to respond
  • NO hidden fees
  • Getting you to the closing table or your MONEY BACK*

We care deeply about our people and their communities

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ADDRESS 8832 Blakeney Professional Dr. Suite #102
Charlotte, NC 28277


PHONE NUMBER 704-541-1172

Ken Land NMLS# 108157

SVP, Area Branch Manager

Contact Us

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By entering your contact information, you are providing express written consent for Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation to contact you at the email and number you provided via telephone, mobile device, automated means like auto dialing, text SMS/MMS, and pre-recorded messages, even if you are registered on a corporate, state, or federal Do Not Call list. You are also acknowledging and agreeing to our terms of service and privacy policy. Consent is not required to use our services.

*Up to $5,000 of the forfeited earnest money deposit funds, up to $1,500 total toward the reimbursement of lost moving and storage expenses, and/or up to $1,000 total toward the reimbursement of lost inspection and appraisal fees guaranteed to buyers if Fairway Branch 8675 doesn’t close as per the sales contract and any addenda. Guarantee period starts with the completion of the application with Fairway and is only valid under the following conditions: 1) Borrower must submit all documentation within 24 hours from the time requested; 2) Borrower may not change the loan product(s) and/or terms originally applied for; 3) Borrower is not applying for VA, Bond or Brokered Loan; 4) missed contract closing date is not attributable to third parties such as a lack of certificate of occupancy, unresolved title issues, etc., a closing date extension request from buyer or seller or events outside the control of Fairway Independent Mortgage Corporation, including inclement weather, natural disaster, or other catastrophic events. Contact your Fairway loan officer to determine if you qualify. Settlement service providers are not eligible. May not be redeemed for cash. If applicable, Guarantee will be applied at closing as a lender credit on the Closing Disclosure. Guarantee subject to change without notice and is not valid with any other incentives or discounts. Borrower is responsible for the down payment. No part of credit can apply to or offset down payment. Loan must close on or before April 30, 2023. Promotion expires April 30, 2023. —