Hear those birds chirping and those lawnmowers humming? Feel the warm sun gently penetrating your skin? These can only mean one thing: It’s springtime in the Carolinas. And with the arrival of spring and warmer weather, there’s no better time to start thinking about planting a home garden. Of course, if you’ve never planted anything before, you’re probably thinking: “Where do I start?” After all, your options are basically unlimited. In an effort not to overwhelm you but to offer a helping hand, up next are five easy to grow outdoor plants. Planting any or all of these would make for the perfect DIY weekend project. Let’s check them out.

1) Coneflowers

These popular perennials are beloved for their beauty and for being heat and drought resistant and super easy to grow. They tend to bloom for many months and are magnets for birds and various pollinators. The most common coneflower is the purple coneflower, and it’s easy to see why. This extremely aesthetically pleasing plant will light up any garden and be an absolute delight to have in yours.

2) Anemone

These ground cover florals look a lot like daises, so they’re quite attractive to the eye. Perhaps the best part of all is that once they reach full bloom, they don’t leave messy foliage leftovers. They’re also super-easy to grow as long as the soil you’re planting in isn’t overly saturated. Anemones tend to be extremely popular among florists, new brides and anyone desiring clear, vibrant colors in their new spring garden.

3) Knock-Out Roses

These flowers truly are a knockout! Available in whites, pinks and reds, they will light up any garden and are an easy addition to your outdoor landscape. On top of this, they are disease-resistant and come as both single and double blooms. Just be sure to plant them in areas that are prone to be bathed in sunlight, because knock-out roses ideally need six to eight hours of sun each day.

4) Dwarf Daffodils

As their name indicates, these plants tend to air on the smaller side. Nevertheless, they’re quite attractive and can be a great enhancement to any garden. Dwarf Daffodils grow from fall planted bulbs and bloom in spring. Perhaps best of all, they’re poisonous to moles and mice and can multiply upon returning to your garden each year.

5) Cosmos

Not to be confused with another name for the universe, these flowers are drought-tolerant, fast-growing and simply beautiful to behold. They grow easily from seeds and can even withstand less-than-ideal soil conditions. Cosmos flowers, which resemble daisies, bloom throughout the summer and will attract lots of butterflies.

In the video below, learn about some other easy-to-grow outdoor plants that might be a great fit for your home garden.

Regardless of whether you’re interested in planting a home garden this spring, it’s never a bad time to speak with a Fairway of the Carolinas mortgage planner. Our mortgage professionals can answer any questions you have about the homebuying process and let you know the requirements necessary for acquiring a home loan. In addition, our experienced loan advisors will offer you the best loan program for your specific needs and financial goals. Contact us today!